Studying at the University of Saarland

Many young refugees have the qualifications and a good level of previous knowledge for a new beginning in Germany. They often wish to embark upon or continue a course of study here – but since documents and a command of the language are missing, this is, however, not always easy. For this reason, a special programme has been set up at the University of Saarland.

The University of Saarland would like to help refugees to study – without any German bureaucracy. Anyone who no longer has any documents proving that they had started a course of study in their home country or is eligible to start a course can take an admission test from 5 to 9 October. Those who pass this test will be authorised to start a Bachelor's degree course in a MINT subject. This is an abbreviation for natural science subjects and mathematics. These include:

  • Bachelor Plus MINT (interdisciplinary course of study in MINT subjects)
  • Chemistry
  • Computer and Communication Technology
  • Cyber Security
  • Computer Science
  • Materials Science and Materials Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Microtechnology and Nanostructures
  • Physics
  • Systems Engineering

The admission test consists of one smaller part to test the candidate's general ability to study and one larger mathematics examination. The test takes three hours. It is offered in the languages German, English, French and Arabic. Refugees may only sit the admission test if they can furnish identification that they are entitled to be granted asylum or they are a recognised refugee.
After the test, the refugees attend special German lessons as part of a foundation course at the University of Saarland in which they are taught the required language skills within one year. Students complete the course by taking the so-called German language university entrance exam for foreign students (DSH). The actual Bachelor's degree course starts after passing this language test and the admission test.

When refugees enroll in the foundation course during the German language lessons, they will receive so-called Bafög, i.e. financial support for their studies, provided the other requirements for financial aid are met.

If refugees should have certificates and supporting documents with them from their home country, they can, as a matter of principle, apply for admission to all courses of study offered by the University of Saarland. They will then no longer be required to sit the admission test. Refugees can contact the International Office for assistance with their application.


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